Wednesday 15 August 2012

Design industry job requirements "obligations, Opportunities & activities"

 Design firms or ad agencies 
These environments are great for creativity and an awesome place for team work , between people who all share the same passion for design and creativity. Its normally a fast- passed environment, intense, elated and exhausting, and the best part is you will be creating for an interesting variety of clients. With all of this one has to keep in mind that entry levels  can be hard to come by and in the beginning have shockingly bad pay. But if you stick it through and land a position, you can start to achieve an awesome portfolio and gain valuable and useful work experience to put to use towards future jobs and opportunities.    

Freelance or independent 
This is a wicked opportunity where you are your own boss (living the dream). But you have to remember that this means you have to do the hard yards and find your own clients, buy you own equipment and have to do the maths and run your own accounts. But most freelancers find work from within smaller companies who don't have the large budgets that larger firms have. You have the options to set-up shop with adobe, rent an awesome space in town or for the team experience work in an office with other creative types giving creative ideas and vibes. Of course this scenario works best after a few years of hard work, with hands-on-working-for-someone-else-experience and to get to have the learning experience of skills used in this industry,which will give you ideas on time management and contacts as well as potential clients to run your own business in a successful manner.
Referenced from:: 
"As a Graphic Designer working in an environment other than freelane you will more than likley be working under the following heir-achy…" 

Creative Director 
A Creative Director is in charge or head of a creative team that produces artworks that are to be displayed through advertising campaigns, or even on products.  A creative team normally consists of an Art Director, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, copywriters, production artists and production staff. But the job of a creative director is to initiate or inspire the creative ideas and motions to make sure that the artworks include those ideas to the clients standard. The role that a creative director usually starts as is an art director or copywriter position. A creative Director usually handle clients and there situation to understand the task at hand.

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